MG2A helps our clients plan, design, build, and maintain sustainable drainage, water supply, and waste water systems. Our clients include communities, utilities, land developers, industrial facility owners, and individual people. We also help our clients navigate FEMA floodplain issues, regulatory agencies, permitting, and funding.
MG2A provides excellent engineering services related to your Water Resource Management issues. Most of MG2A’s clients are interested in the following aspects of water resources management:
- Economic impact of FEMA Special Food Hazard Areas
- Storm water flood protection
- Storm water runoff control and quality
- Land development near flood prone and sensitive areas
- Drainage plans for subdivisions, sites, and facilities
- Sustainable water supply
- Drinking water distribution
- Process water systems
- Waste water collection
- Waste water treatment
- Sludge, radium and other treatment by products
Contact MG2A to learn more about how we can help you with water resource management.
Frequently Asked Questions: FEMA Floodplain
- What is a FIRM? A FIRM is a “Flood Insurance Rate Map? The map does not detail rates but lets property owners know if they are in a SFHA “Special Flood Hazard Area” which suggests flood insurance may be recommended or required.
- Why would insurance be required? This is a outside of our expertise but a simple answer is many banks cannot approve a mortgage for a home or other structure in certain SFHAs unless the owner has flood insurance.
- Should I get insurance if it is not required? Talk to your insurance agent. This is a matter of balancing cost and risk. People have different attitudes about the value of reducing risk. Engineer’s tend to be “risk adverse”.
- Where do I get flood insurance? Talk to your insurance agent. The federal government has set up the National Flood Insurance Program in order to provide insurance for people who own property in a SFHA.
- What if I don’t think my property belongs in a SFHA? The maps are not 100% accurate. They are based on limited information. If you can provide information proving your property is above the flood level, FEMA will send you a letter indicating your property has been removed from the SFHA. This is called applying for a Letter of Map Change and requires the assistance of a licensed engineer or surveyor.
- More questions? Click an “Ask an Engineer” button on this web site and send us your question. We usually respond in 48 hours or less.